Foresight Friday: Reaffirm Control & Reclaim Your Power
Divination Method: Supernatural Tarot
Card Drawn: The Devil, Reversed
Key Word: Freedom, Revelation, Reclaiming Power, Reaffirm Control
My Foresight Friday Interpretation:
Happy Valentine's Day, Pixilators! It's been another bonkers week for weather and current events but we're one week closer to spring!
Let's see what these cards want to tell us today...
I, once again, shuffled up the Supernatural Tarot and not long after I started, a card flipped over.
The card that has presented itself to us this week is: The Devil, in the reversed position.
Depicted on this card is everyone's favorite fallen angel: Lucifer.
Yes, Chuck's once favorite son (until he dared to defy him, that is) glares at us all broody from behind the bars of his cage in hell.
Were this card upright, it would indicate a time of feeling powerless and prone to being overtaken by our worst vices.
There have been days when we have felt defeated and helpless... BUT NOT THIS DAY!
Nope, this rebellious ex-archangel with a daddy complex is reversed. That means we're remembering who the fuck we are.
This card indicates that we're in our revelation (or is that revolution? 🤔) era. We are about to let it be known that we're taking back control.
My wacky little ADHD brain is picturing us up against Count Rugen (the 6-fingered man from our beloved movie The Princess Bride).
We've got him disarmed and up against the wall and when he offers us anything we want we say "I want my power back, you son of a bitch!" and then plunge our sword into his squishy bits.
The thing is, unlike Inigo's dearly departed dad, getting our power back is more than possible, it's necessary.
We're remembering that we're badasses, especially when we stick together.
So, let's get busy making some noise and asserting our collective power.
And remember: Lucifer could not possess Sam without his permission no matter how many times he told Sam that it was his destiny. Similarly, they cannot break our spirit without our permission. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to fucking let them. 😎
Time for a battle cry gif...
Until Next Time, Pixilators!
Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust
______ ☮💗🧚______
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