Foresight Friday: Time for a Creative Outlet
Divination Method: Supernatural Tarot
Card Drawn: Page of Goblets
Key Word: Dreamer, Idealism, Creativity, Good News, Emotional Maturity
My Foresight Friday Interpretation:
It's Friday and we've survived another long week. On the bright side, I've seen the sun the whole times in the last seven days and it was GLORIOUS!
Let's get to it...
<Insert best tv announcer voice here> The role of "Emotional Support Deck" is being played this week by "the Supernatural Tarot."
This week's shuffle was really quick. The card that has presented itself to us this week (with a quick flip out of the deck) is: the Page of Goblets.
Depicted on the Page of Goblets is Samlicker81 herself, Becky Rosen.
Yes, the ultra bubbly Superfan with a longing for some... "Moose Meat," if you will 😏 🤣.
Anywhooo, our friend Bex is a pretty good fit for this card. She was a writer, a dreamer, a bringer of good news (re: location of the Colt - iykyk), and - eventually - someone who exhibits much emotional maturity.
Why is this card appearing this week?
I think ol' Bex is here to remind us to dream, create, and have a little fun.
Sure, there's a whole mess of crap that's wrong right now. Focusing on that 24/7 will not only burn us out; it'll also put us in a really bad place mentally.
So, this week's mission is to find some levity and to let off some steam by utilizing our creativity and bonding with those that are close to us.
Don't be surprised if we get a bit of good news this week as well. (I'm not getting any "earth shattering" extraordinary type of vibes, but certainly something that will be a bright spot).
Go on now! Let's get to finding a creative outlet & brightening our world's vibe a bit. Pixie's orders. 😘
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Until Next Time, Pixilators!
Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust
______ ☮💗🧚______
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