Foresight Friday: Chill, Fam!

 Foresight Friday: Chill, Fam!

Foresight Friday: Chill, Fam! 

Divination Method: Supernatural Tarot 

Card Drawn: Temperance, Reversed 

Key Words: Imbalance, Lack of Perspective, Recklessness, Excess

My Foresight Friday Interpretation: 

IT'S OCTOBER 18TH! Not sure why I'm yelling about that, but I'm back after my week off for a cold. I'm feeling much better, and I hope you're all doing fab as well. 

And now....Stop! Reading time! [insert Hammertime dance here]...

The Supernatural Tarot is still my deck of choice, and the card that has presented itself to us is: Temperance, in the reversed position. 

Depicted on the card is our favorite sassy (and totally badass) small town sheriff: Jody Mills.

The Temperance card, from the Supernatural Tarot, in the reversed position.

Upright, this card is all about maintaining balance, harmony, and a steady pace as we continue confidently down the middle of our chosen path. 

Reversed, well... that's an indicator that we are so off kilter that, not only is our timing off, we're liable to fall off the damn path all together. 

We're frazzled, overwhelmed  and all over the frikken place. 

Johnny Rose from Shitts Creek telling us all to Calm Down and Breathe.

This card is our reminder to not get ahead of ourselves. There's all sorts of things we want to do, and they're all pretty spectacular, but we need to put those things on the back burner and focus on the things that HAVE TO GET DONE first. 

If we can't do this on our own, this is our cue to look to someone we trust to be that calming source of level-headedness.

If we don't get a handle on things, they'll go of the rails. But if we take a beat, prioritize, and go about things in a steady, stepwise fashion, we'll be well on our way to success. 

So, whatever (internal or external) madness ensues: Chill, Fam! We've got this. 😎

Until Next Time, Pixilators! 

Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust 

______ ☮💗🧚______

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