Foresight Friday: The Night King is Coming

Foresight Friday: The Night King is Coming

Foresight Friday: The Night King is Coming

Divination Method: Game of Thrones Tarot 

Card Drawn: Judgement 

Key Words:  The Past, Second Chances, Memories, Awakening 

My Foresight Friday Interpretation: 

Happy Friday, Friends! It's been a damn good week here in Pixieland. 

I've really been enjoying the break from the extreme heat and humidity. 

Now, let's get down to business!

I just finished my GoT tewatch, so I'm using the Game of Thrones Tarot again. 

The shuffle was fairly quick and the card that presented itself to us is Judgement. 

The Judgement card from the Game of Thrones Tarot.

Depicted on this card is the dreaded Night King, raising his arms in order to raise the dead to join his fight against Jon Snow and the wildlings at Hardhome.

This is a card that is all about the past rearing its chiseled icy head... and how we're going to deal with coming face to face with it. 

We've experienced a lot of things over the years, and some of them have gotten the better of us. But the chill of memories isn't the only thing we can feel hanging in the air... we're also sensing a change.

Ol' Blue Eyes is gonna try to scare the bejeezus out of us, and do his damndest to make us doubt ourselves. (He's weird that way)

The thing is, we're not the same person who experienced all those things... we've woken up, we've grown, and we've learned from those experiences. And this is our chance to make things right. 

The Night King and his gang of ice zombies are going to try their hardest to drag us back to the past, but we have plans for the future, and we have NO intention of giving up on them. 

Living in the past is a hollow existence, so when he pops up and tries to snuff out our hope for the future we need to show it to him.

Brandish that hope like it's a finely forged Valerian steel dagger and stick him with it because, one thing's for certain: Were Not Going Back!

This is our second chance to change things for the better... let's fucking gooooooo!!!! 😎

Until Next Time, Pixilators! 

Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust 

 ______ ☮💗🧚______

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