Foresight Friday: Let The Good Times ( & News) Roll!

Foresight Friday: Let The Good Times ( & News) Roll!

Foresight Friday: Let The Good Times ( & News) Roll!

Divination Method: Game of Thrones Tarot 

Card Drawn: Page of Cups 

Key Words: News, Fun, Opportunities 

My Foresight Friday Interpretation: 

Howdy, Pixilators! Can you believe it's Friday already? I've been so busy the week just flew by!

I do hope you've all made it through with the support you needed (or served it up to others 😉)

Let's see what the next 7 days have for us...

I'm sticking with the Game of Thrones Tarot, and the card that presented itself to us is the Page of Cups. 

The Page of Cups card from the Game of Thrones Tarot.

Depicted on this card is Bran Stark standing on the grounds of Winterfell holding a single cup that has a fish jumping out of it.

The image is of older bran, so the fact that he's standing speaks to the intuitive/psychic nature of individuals represented by this card. 

It also touches on revisiting one's childhood or reconnecting with the inner child (just as Bran did as he reminisced about his carefree youth at Winterfell during one of his visions).

While the fish is representative of Bran's mother's family (the Tullys of Riverrun), the fish also represents subconscious knowledge and learning new things about ourselves.

The Page of Cups is a card all about receiving news, having fun, opportunities, and reconnecting with our inner child. 

So, what does this all mean for us? It means that this coming week should be one that involves Good News and Good Times!

Opportunities for fun social interactions are almost a certainty; as well as getting - and sharing - a nice piece of good news. 

Regardless, channeling a carefree, childlike vibe so that we can go with the flow no matter what is the best advice for the next 7 days. 

Let the Good Times (& News) Roll!

Until Next Time, Pixilators! 

Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust 

 ______ ☮💗🧚______

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