Foresight Friday: Spring Cleaning Comes Early
Divination Method: The Dark Crystal Tarot
Card Drawn: 4 of Gems, Reversed
Key Words: Letting Go, Generosity, Instability
My Foresight Friday Interpretation:
Hello friends, and Happy Imbolc! Quite a lot of you will know Feb. 2nd as Groundhog Day, but to a lot of witchy folks it's day 2 of Imbolc (Feb 1st until sundown Feb 2nd...but celebrate whenever you want or are able).
I like to think of this as "Pre-spring" since it's when all of the behind the scenes work for the Springtime Show begins (meaning things start stirring underground in preparation for bringing back the colors spring).
ANYWAY, let's get to the cards, shall we?
I'm sticking with The Dark Crystal Tarot this week. After a short little shuffle, the card that flipped itself over onto the top of the deck is: the 4 of Gems in the reversed position.
Depicted on this card are 4 exquisite marquise cut gems; 2 of them red, the other 2 green. Upright this would represent stability, material gain, or even stinginess. Reversed, however, indicates a period of instability, letting go, or even generosity.
So what does that mean for us? I think the timing of this cards appearance during this season of "pre-spring" indicates that it's time to start examining all of our things, assessing whether or not they still fulfill a need for us, and then relinquishing that which we no longer have an ACTUAL use for (not a "someday that might come in handy" use...but a real life planned, willing, and able to follow through with use).
In other words, it's time for a little early spring cleaning! It's time to declutter our spaces so that we can also declutter our minds. This will also help aid us as we continue on that road to discovery that we stepped onto last week.
Now isn't the time to just trash everything though, be mindful of what items can be used by others (whether those others are friends, family members, or charitable organizations is entirely up to us).
Clearing out the excess will help make room for all the new and wonderful things that life has planned for us.
Until Next Time, Pixilators!
Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust
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