Foresight Friday: Drop the Discipline, It's Time to Party!


Foresight Friday: Drop the Discipline, It's Time to Party!

Foresight Friday: Drop the Discipline, It's Time to Party!

Divination Method: Hocus Pocus Tarot

Card Drawn: 9 of Potions

Key Words: Accomplishment, Reward, Celebration

My Foresight Friday Interpretation: 

Welcome back to Foresight Friday, everyone! Hope y'all enjoyed the last two weeks, despite having to live without my ramblings.

No need to lead a boring existence any longer, though, because I am here with a NEW DECK! I got my hot little hands on the new Hocus Pocus tarot! It's been cleansed, charged, and has been spending lots of time with me. So, let's see what it has to say...

This deck seems to already be catching the same attitude as my other ones. After a while of shuffling, it apparently thought I was taking too long; a whole chunk of it flew out of my hands and landed with a *THWACK*. The 9 of Potions was looking up at me.

Depicted on this card are 9 potions, in various bottles, floating in a vibrant green stream of magical energy above the hand of their creator.

The 9 of Potions card from Disney's Hocus Pocus tarot.

What does it mean? It means that our efforts have paid off and we're about to reap our rewards. 

Things have been a little rocky and labor intensive of late...but now we get a bit of a respite, and should make sure we don't squander our chance to celebrate.

Spiritual teacher Adi Da Samraj once said "Without true celebration discipline is obnoxious". I gotta say, I don't disagree!

So, let's take that to heart this coming week. Drop the discipline for a while, because it's time to party! I mean, we don't want to be seen as obnoxious...right??

Until Next Time: Party On, Pixilators! 

Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust 


Keep The Pixie Caffeinated!