Foresight Friday: Time to Be Where the Wild Things Are

Foresight Friday: Time to Be Where the Wild Things Are
Foresight Friday: Time to Be Where the Wild Things Are 

Divination Method: The Illustrated Herbiary 

Card Drawn: Plantain 

Key Word: Rewild 

My Foresight Friday Interpretation: 

It’s Friday once again, friends! Hopefully, you had a chance to look at all that extra baggage you had cluttering up your life (whether real or metaphorical) and figured out where it belonged...even if that meant the trash. 

Moving on to this coming week, the weather has been all over the place where I live, but one particularly warm day had me all up in my head about plants again, so I’m back with Maia Toll’s Illustrated Herbiary. 

Let’s see what it has to say... 

The card that has been presented to us this week is Plantain. No, not the less sweet cousin of the banana. The Plantain in this reading refers to a low growing broad-leafed plant that grows throughout much of the world. 

This plant is a survivor. It thrives in compact soil and is not bothered by those who would trample upon it.  

Plantain card from The Illustrated Herbiary by Maia Toll.

Medicinally, it is known to draw out infection, aid in the healing of wounds, as well as lessen a fever, bleeding, and inflammation. 

But what does it mean for us in this reading? Plantain is here to draw us out of our comfort zones and into a sense of adventure. 

It is here to tell us to shake off the trampling of our endless adulting and reawaken our inner child. 

Since springtime is finally upon us, a bit of frivolity and adventure sounds insanely appropriate. 

The Illustrated Herbiary always gives us suggestions for Ritual (what we should DO) and Reflection (what we should Ponder). 

The Ritual of Plantain is to get in touch with the Earth and return to a mindset of childlike wonder. 

If we lie on the ground with the soft grass beneath us while feeling the warmth of the sun upon our faces, we’ll soon feel energized and filled with a joy that only the simple things can give. 

Taking a little time to notice and marvel at the returning of birdsong, the budding of trees, and emergence of plants breaking through the soil will bring us back to our roots. 

The Reflection of Plantain is based upon its ability to draw things out that are stuck. So... what is stuck within us? Is there an old wound that needs healing? Is something poisoning our spirit that needs to be drawn out?  

Whatever the source of our suffering, we need to ask ourselves if we are willing to let Plantain withdraw it from us. If, for some reason we are not willing to release our suffering...we must ask ourselves why. 

So, go out and have a little fun in the warming outdoors. Nature is where the wild things are, and this week that should include us! Reacquaint yourself with your wild side and break free from the bonds of civilized society. Even if it’s just for a few hours, give yourself time to be a bit of a wild one. 

Until Next Time, Pixilators!

Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust 


Keep The Pixie Caffeinated!