Pixie Book Review: Pagan Portals - The Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate by Jennifer Teixeira
Pixie Book Review: Pagan Portals - The Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate by Jennifer Teixeira
Moon Books June 1, 2021 | $10.95 Paperback | ISBN 978-1-78904-282-5
Hey there, everybody! It’s time for another Pixie Book Review (which I know you know…since you clicked the link and are now in the process of reading my ramblings) So, let’s just get down to it, since that’s what you’re here for.
Why Did I Choose Pagan Portals - The Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate by Jennifer Teixeira?
Hekate is my main home girl, so to speak, and has been a part of my personal practice since the beginning of my witchy journey. So, any time I find a book at all related to her, I tend to pounce. This being the case, I was incredibly stoked when I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher and I was excited to read it.
What’s Inside Pagan Portals - The Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate by Jennifer Teixeira?
This 112 page work is full of a great deal of information about Hekate, as well as ways to Honor her. Included within are several actual rituals from the Temple of the Bones which is, as the author describes it “a diverse group of Witches, who come together on the dark of the moon to work magic and honor the Mighty Queen Hekate from our heart and our bones.”
Before I get into that though, I’d like to comment on the forward that was written by Temple of the Bones member Rowan “Briar” Rivers. I’m not usually one to read a foreword - unless it’s written by Stephen King. Not sure why, might be because I’m usually eager to get to the meat of the book…but, this time I read it, and I wasn’t sorry. It was a very well written tale of how they came to know Hekate, how they became involved with the Temple (as well as how the Temple of the Bones came to be), and information on how to recognize the signs of Hekate that may be presented to you. So, if you’re like me and usually skip the foreword: don’t.
The rest of the book is a peek inside how the Temple of the Bones goes about their Hekatean practice; this includes a general explanation of whom Hekate is.
Teixeira doesn’t just give us the “what” she shows us the “how”. What I mean is, she explains the many Epithets, gives herbal information and recipes, ritual outlines, and a detailed description of the Temple’s divination system.
The author does not profess that this is the way to honor Hekate, but the information is laid out in a way that it can be used by a beginner who isn’t sure how to go about it. She also encourages the reader to make any adjustments needed to make the calls/spells/recipes/rituals/etc. uniquely their own.
Things I plan to put into practice and/or adapt from the book:
In my own personal practice formal rituals aren’t really a thing. If you’ve known me, or have been reading my ramblings for a while, you’ll remember that I’m a self-professed “fly by the seat of my pants” kind of Witch. That does not mean that there’s nothing in this book for me to use, because there is!
The chapter about Hekate’s Garden is of particular interest to me since herbs and gardening are both huge parts of my practice and daily life. I plan to see what plants I will be able to incorporate into my own garden.
I was also immensely intrigued by The Bones Oracle (The Temple’s own unique divination method of “reading the bones”). While recreating this in its entirety would be near impossible (and likely quite expensive) I will certainly be thinking on how I could create a similar system for my own uses. The possibility of using the pages of the item definitions themselves via Bibliomancy is also a possibility.
Final Thoughts on: Pagan Portals - The Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate by Jennifer Teixeira
All in all I enjoyed this book very much. It’s not a super difficult read (although there were a few paragraphs that I had to read a few times in order to comprehend the author’s meaning…but, to be fair, that’s more of a “My ADHD Brain vs. Author's Writing Style” thing than anything else) and I managed to read it in one day.
If you’re a follower of Hekate, or are just interested in reading more about her and those who do follow her, give this a read.
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Wishing You Peace, Love, & Pixie Dust
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