Wayback Wednesday: Easing the Sting of Mercury
Brace yourselves folks, Mercury goes retrograde (yup, again) on October 13th. Some of you may have been feeling the effects already, as we’ve been in the “shadow period” for aweek or so now. The information posted below was originally published on my old website in October of 2013. I figured now was as good a time as any to re-post it, so you all could have the info available to you, should you need it. Enjoy! And may the odds be ever in your favor!
For those of you who may not be aware, in astrology, the planet Mercury rules Rational Thought, Travel & Communication of all types (thus, effecting technology as well). When the planet is in retrograde (Appears to be moving backward through the heavens) all of these areas tend to go a bit…screwy. Why? Because the retrograde period of a planet is the equivalent of it going on vacation, thus leaving that which it rules unsupervised and free to run amok, lol.
Mercury Retrograde
periods are generally a good time to spend reflecting on the aforementioned
areas of our lives, and to become more aware of them and their effects. It is a
time to be cautious in our interactions with others so as to not be
misunderstood. We must be extra aware while traveling, allowing extra time for
our journeys whether near or far, and being diligent in being safe.
Kris “Mrs. B.”
Bradley (Renowned New Jersey Witch, Blogger & Author) has a wonderful
Survival Guide posted on her blog. She sums up the basics so well; I see no
need to write them out myself so check it out here: Mercury in Retrograde Survival Guide
So, now that you
know what all this retrograde business is about, and have a few ideas for
making it a bit smoother, I’d like to suggest another: Appeal to the God
Mercury himself!
Mercury is the
Roman God of Trade/Commerce, Communication, Travel, Knowledge and Animal
Husbandry. He is the Messenger of the Gods, as well as a Psychopomp (one who
guides spirits to the afterlife).
Some ideas for
honoring Mercury would be to perhaps schedule Meditations involving him, and
offerings to him on the days leading up to the Retrograde Period, as well on
each Wednesday during it.
Below are some Correspondences
for Mercury to aid you in the choosing and timing of your offerings:
Animals: Serpent/Snake, Rooster, Turtle/Tortoise, Ram, Bull
Crystals/Stones: Agate, Amber, Aventurine, Jasper
Color: Yellow
Herbs/Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh, Cinnamon, Cassia
Food/Drink: Almonds, Honey, Olives, Pork
Objects: Feathers, Wings, Silver, Foreign Coins, Lyre
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Time of Day: Sunrise, Sunset
Tarot Card: The Magician
Festival Day: Mercurlia on May 15th
If you try these methods and things go fairly smooth, be sure to offer up your thanks to Mercury when the planet goes direct again (We mustn’t forget our manners!) Best of luck to you all, and remember: When all else fails, just laugh (It really does help!). If for some reason that doesn’t work? Well, then just hide behind the sofa until it blows over. ;)
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